Thursday, September 24, 2009

Medical Power point Projects

Here are some power point project of medical importance:
Just check it out:

Epilepsy and its homeopathic treatment:
For power point project click on the link below:

Rickets with its homoeopathic treatment:

For power point project click on the link below:

Monday, September 14, 2009



Autism is a disorder that is usually first diagnosed in early childhood. The main signs and symptoms of autism involve communication, social interactions and repetitive behaviors.

Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. Autism involves many parts of the brain; how this occurs is not well understood.

Also called: Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)

Children with autism might have problems talking with you, or they might not look you in the eye when you talk to them. They may have to line up their pencils before they can pay attention, or they may say the same sentence again and again to calm themselves down. They may flap their arms to tell you they are happy, or they might hurt themselves to tell you they are not. Some people with autism never learn how to talk.

Because people with autism can have very different features or symptoms, health care providers think of autism as a "spectrum" disorder. Asperger syndrome is a milder version of the disorder.

The cause of autism is not known. Autism lasts throughout a person's lifetime. There is no cure, but treatment can help. Treatments include behavior and communication therapies and medicines to control symptoms.

Autism has a strong genetic basis, although the genetics of autism are complex and it is unclear whether ASD is explained more by rare mutations, or by rare combinations of common genetic variants. In rare cases, autism is strongly associated with agents that cause birth defects. Controversies surround other proposed environmental causes, such as heavy metals, pesticides or childhood vaccines; the vaccine hypotheses are biologically implausible and lack convincing scientific evidence. The prevalence of ASD is about 6 per 1,000 people, with about four times as many males as females. The number of people known to have autism has increased dramatically since the 1980s, partly due to changes in diagnostic practice; the question of whether actual prevalence has increased is unresolved.

Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. The signs usually develop gradually, but some autistic children first develop more normally and then regress. Although early behavioral or cognitive intervention can help children gain self-care, social, and communication skills, there is no known cure. Not many children with autism live independently after reaching adulthood, though some become successful. An autistic culture has developed, with some individuals seeking a cure and others believing autism should be tolerated as a difference and not treated as a disorder.


Following Factors may be said to cause “AUTISM”


Prenatal environment:

Maternal infection:
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Teratogens
  • Pesticides
  • Thyroid problems
  • Folic acid
  • Stress
  • Fetal testosterone
  • Ultrasound
Perinatal environment:

Postnatal environment:
  • Vaccines
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Viral infection
  • Excessive hygiene
  • Oxidative stress
  • Amygdala neurons
  • Locus coeruleus–noradrenergic system
  • Vitamin D
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • MMR vaccine
  • Leaky gut syndrome
  • Paracetamol
  • Rain
  • Refrigerator mother
  • Other psychogenic theories
Social construct:

Symptoms of Autism:

The symptoms vary greatly but follow a general pattern. Not all symptoms are present in all autistic children.

Autistic infants may act relatively normal during their first few months of life before becoming less responsive to their parents and other stimuli. They may have difficulty with feeding or toilet training; may not smile in recognition of their parents' faces, and may put up resistance to being cuddled.

As they enter toddlerhood, it becomes increasingly apparent that these children have a world of their own. They do not play with other children or toys in the normal manner, rather they remain aloof and prefer to play alone. Parents often mention that their child is so undemanding that he or she is “too good”.

Verbal and nonverbal communication skills, such as speech and facial expressions, develop peculiarly. Symptoms range from mutism to prolonged use of echoing or stilted language. When language is present, it is often concrete, unimaginative, and immature.

Another symptom of autism is an extreme resistance to change of any kind. Autistic children tend to want to maintain established behavior patterns and a set environment. They develop rituals in play, oppose change (such as moving furniture), and may become obsessed with one particular topic.

Other behavioral abnormalities that may be present are: staring at hands or flapping arms and hands, walking on tiptoe, rocking, tantrums, strange postures, unpredictable behavior and hyperactivity.

An autistic child has poor judgment and is therefore always at risk for danger. For instance, an autistic child may run into a busy street without any sign of fear.

Treatment of Autism:

Appropriate early intervention is important. Once the diagnosis has been made, the parents, physicians, and specialists should discuss what is best for the child. In most cases, parents are encouraged to take care of the child at home.

Special education classes are available for autistic children. Structured, behaviorally-based programs, geared to the patient's developmental level have shown some promise.

Most behavioral treatment programs include:

  • clear instructions to the child
  • prompting to perform specific behaviors
  • immediate praise and rewards for performing those behaviors
  • a gradual increase in the complexity of reinforced behaviors
  • definite distinctions of when and when not to perform the learned behaviors

Parents should be educated in behavioral techniques so they can participate in all aspects of the child's care and treatment. The more specialized instruction and behavior therapy the child receives, the more likely it is that the condition will improve.

Medication can be recommended to treat specific symptoms such as seizures, hyperactivity, extreme mood changes, or self-injurious behaviors.

The autistic child requires much of the parents' attention, often affecting the other children in the family. Counseling and support may be helpful for the parents.

The outlook for each child depends on his or her intelligence and language ability. Some people with autism become independent adults. A majority can be taught to live in community-based homes, although they may require supervision throughout adulthood.

For more details click the link below:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Homeopathic Treatment of Swine Flu

Collected Information From Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis:
The H1N1 flu is a respiratory infection caused by a strain of influenza virus of the type A, which normally causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. The disease affects pigs almost exclusively, however, a new strain of virus, derived, in part from the human influenza virus, and, in part, from the pig influenza virus, has been demonstrated to be transmissible to humans and, worse, from human being to human being. Another concern that has arisen is the serious form of disease and, because of the high mortality rate of this strain of virus and of its capacity to be transmitted between humans, there is the concern that the H1N1 flu could become a global pandemic.
The H1N1 flu epidemic has spread rapidly in the past weeks. The World Health Organization increased the level of global pandemic alert from level 4 to level 5, which means that, even if the majority of the countries has not been affected yet, there are strong signs that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to organize a contingency plan is short. The increase in alert level indicates that the probability of an emergence of a global H1N1 influenza pandemic has grown during the last weeks. It should be noted that there are reports of cases of influenza caused by other viruses which are not the H1N1. They must be distinguished from the epidemic of human influenza as they present different behaviors. The human influenza has a sudden appearance that evolves more quickly toward pneumonia, with severe attack on the general state of the patient. On a parallel level, there are many cases that do not correspond to human influenza, or to seasonal influenza. They represent rather common colds that have no connection with influenza. At present the homeopathic colleagues of Mexico have been able to identify indirectly, by the written reports of doctors in hospitals, the following symptoms:

  • Fever
    Proceeded by 40% great chills
    Persistent fever between 38.5 °C (101.3°F) to 39.4 °C (102.9°F) accompanied by fresh
  • diaphoresis on the back, face and neck
  • Generalized weakness, adynamia without extreme prostration
  • Profuse sweating during fever
  • Sore throat
    Pain by intake of solid initially and then even liquids
  • Scarce cough
    Non painful
    In attacks
  • Constant arthralgias in the hands, elbows and shoulders at the febrile peak
    Cold Applications amel
  • Retroocular headache or eyeballs pain ("My eyes hurt") With rest amel
  • Occipital and neck headache aggravated by being raised on a pillow
  • Some patients with occipital pain of throbbing type


  • Pneumonia with infiltrated interstitial or multiple pockets
  • Productive cough with yellowish expectoration

Between 48 and 72 hours the medical situation has developed or has become complicated. The symptoms are vague and have limited clinic homeopathy application, but, as the symptoms were obtained directly from a significant number of H1N1 confirmed infected patients, homeopathic medicine can be used. Influenza ranks among the category of respiratory diseases, but, in reality, the whole body is disrupted when the person gets sick. In short, people affected are often very sick and are suffering from all or some of the symptoms:

  • High fever.
  • Headache.
  • Clear nasal discharge.
  • Sneezing.
  • Cough, often becoming severe.
  • Severe aches and pains.
  • Fatigue for several weeks.
  • Sometimes sore throat.
  • Extreme exhaustion.
  • Fever and pain throughout the body generally last from three to five days, but the cough and fatigue can last for two weeks or more.
  • Mexican fever may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Diagnostic Guides:
Until now the guidelines that have been given to define a case of Mexican influenza (case definition / swine flu) by CDC (Influenza like/illness ILI) are as follows:
A confirmed case of influenza A H1NI defines a person with an acute breathing illness with laboratory confirmation of the A H1N1 influenza virus through the following laboratory diagnosis:

  • PCR/RT in real time
  • Viral Culture

A probable case of infection by influenza A H1NI defines a person with influenza type symptoms1. Positive for influenza A, but negative for H1 or H3 influenza by PCR/RT
A suspected case of influenza A defines people who do not meet the criteria at the top and have H1NI negative tests:

  • Healthy person, under the age of 65 years, hospitalized with symptoms similar to the influenza.
  • Lives in a state (country) where no cases of influenza have been confirmed, but has traveled to a state (country) where there are one or more probable cases.
  • Has been in contact in the last 7 days with a person with similar symptoms to the influenza (ILI).

Homeopathic Medicines:
Homeopathic medical treatment is individual, but in the face of an epidemic, we can obtain groups of drugs characterized by the peculiarities of the symptoms of the sick.
For this specific epidemic, we have obtained the following remedies for the symptoms found in different patients.
The symptoms listed above are the common symptoms of the disease that, for the homeopathic doctor, serve to show whether or not it is Influenza. However, they are not useful for the prescription of homeopathic medicines. The pattern and the individuality of the symptoms of each patient are what determine the prescription of a homeopathic remedy. We have listed the symptoms for which these remedies have been indicated, without determining an epidemic genius.
The drugs mostly indicated for this epidemic given by homeopathic Mexican doctors are the following:

Aconitum n.

  • Fear will die because of the disease
  • Red Throat
  • Onset of the symptoms after exposure to cold
  • Harsh beginning
  • The symptoms appeared suddenly
  • Red Congested face
  • Muscle aches and pains


  • Red teary eyes
  • Red flushed face
  • High fever - greater than 39oC (102.2°F).
  • Acute inflammation of the throat
  • Throbbing Pain while coughing
  • Severe headache
  • Violent pulsations caused by the headache
  • Red face. Brilliant and Injected Eyes
  • Cannot stand the least light or noise

Bryonia Alba:

  • Begins with sudden head pains
  • Worsened by body movement
  • Painful cough
  • Fever with chills.
  • Intense back and leg pain
  • Aggravated by the least movement, improved by rest
  • Extreme thirst for large amounts of liquid
  • Cold, red throat
  • Limb pain while walking.
  • Dryness of mucous

Arsenicum Album:

  • Begins with arduous throat pain
  • Improvement by consuming hot drinks
  • Widespread cold, feels cold
  • He covers himself too much
  • Feels prostrated, tired, exhausted
  • Violent vomiting, and has frequent, but scanty diarrhea
  • Thinks will die
  • Burning evacuation
  • Cough after drinking
  • Agitated and anxious
  • Does not want to be alone

Eupatorum Perfoliatum:

  • Fever that starts with chills, shivering and shaking
  • Back pain
  • Continued fever, with intense and insatiable thirst
  • Bone pain, as if they had been beaten
  • Back pain, as if it were broken
  • Snoring
  • Painful cough, aggravates the chest when coughing
  • Great pain of muscles and bones
  • Feels as if the back were dislocated
  • Congested face during fever
  • The sweating improves all the symptoms, except the headache

Mercurius Vivus:

  • Begins with hoarseness and aphony
  • Catarrh, running nose, burning.
  • Sore throat as if it were raw meat
  • Dry cough, spasmodic
  • Fever with night sweats that do not improve
  • Constant thirst
  • Indented tongue
  • Halitosis
  • Very wary10 Bone Pain


  • Has a fever chill
  • Hand trembles
  • Abundant perspiration
  • Downcast
  • Intense muscle aches, with leg pain
  • Remains immobile in bed
  • Face congestion
  • Injected Eyes, sore throat9. Dry cough, rapid pulse
  • Despite the fever, has no thirst
  • Depression and pain

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Swine Flu

Swine flu
Swine influenza (also called H1N1 flu, swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) is an infection by any one of several types of swine influenza virus. Swine influenza virus (SIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs.
Swine influenza virus is common throughout pig populations worldwide. Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always lead to human influenza, often resulting only in the production of antibodies in the blood. If transmission does cause human influenza, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People with regular exposure to pigs are at increased risk of swine flu infection. The meat of an infected animal poses no risk of infection when properly cooked.
During the mid-20th century, identification of influenza subtypes became possible, allowing accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Since then, only 50 such transmissions have been confirmed. These strains of swine flu rarely pass from human to human. Symptoms of zoonotic swine flu in humans are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.
Although there is no formal national surveillance system in the United States to determine what viruses are circulating in pigs, there is an informal surveillance network in the United States that is part of a world surveillance network.
Veterinary medical pathologist, Tracey McNamara, set up a national disease surveillance system in zoos because the zoos do active disease surveillance and many of the exotic animals housed there have broad susceptibilities. Many species fall below the radar of any federal agencies (including dogs, cats, pet prairie dogs, zoo animals, and urban wildlife), even though they may be important in the early detection of human disease outbreaks.

Transmission to humans
People who work with poultry and swine, especially people with intense exposures, are at increased risk of zoonotic infection with influenza virus endemic in these animals, and constitute a population of human hosts in which zoonosis and reassortment can co-occur. Vaccination of these workers against influenza and surveillance for new influenza strains among this population may therefore be an important public health measure. Transmission of influenza from swine to humans who work with swine was documented in a small surveillance study performed in 2004 at the University of Iowa. This study among others forms the basis of a recommendation that people whose jobs involve handling poultry and swine be the focus of increased public health surveillance. Other professions at particular risk of infection are veterinarians and meat processing workers, although the risk of infection for both of these groups is lower than that of farm workers.
Signs and symptoms:
Direct transmission of a swine flu virus from pigs to humans is occasionally possible (called zoonotic swine flu). In all, 50 cases are known to have occurred since the first report in medical literature in 1958, which have resulted in a total of six deaths. Of these six people, one was pregnant, one had leukemia, one had Hodgkin disease and two were known to be previously healthy. Despite these apparently low numbers of infections, the true rate of infection may be higher, since most cases only cause a very mild disease, and will probably never be reported or diagnosed.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in humans the symptoms of the 2009 "swine flu" H1N1 virus are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general. Symptoms include
Sore throat,
Body aches,
Chills and fatigue.
The 2009 outbreak has shown an increased percentage of patients reporting diarrhea and vomiting. The 2009 H1N1 virus is not zoonotic swine flu, as it is not transmitted from pigs to humans, but from person to person.
Because these symptoms are not specific to swine flu, a differential diagnosis of probable swine flu requires not only symptoms but also a high likelihood of swine flu due to the person's recent history. For example, during the 2009 swine flu outbreak in the United States, CDC advised physicians to "consider swine influenza infection in the differential diagnosis of patients with acute febrile respiratory illness who have either been in contact with persons with confirmed swine flu, or who were in one of the five U.S. states that have reported swine flu cases or in Mexico during the 7 days preceding their illness onset." A diagnosis of confirmed swine flu requires laboratory testing of a respiratory sample (a simple nose and throat swab).
The most common cause of death is respiratory failure, other causes of death are pneumonia (leading to sepsis), high fever (leading to neurological problems), dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Fatalities are more likely in young children and the elderly.

Prevention of human to human transmission
Influenza spreads between humans through coughing or sneezing and people touching something with the virus on it and then touching their own nose or mouth. Swine flu cannot be spread by pork products, since the virus is not transmitted through food. The swine flu in humans is most contagious during the first five days of the illness although some people, most commonly children, can remain contagious for up to ten days. Diagnosis can be made by sending a specimen, collected during the first five days for analysis.
Recommendations to prevent spread of the virus among humans include using standard infection control against influenza. This includes frequent washing of hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after being out in public. Chance of transmission is also reduced by disinfecting household surfaces, which can be done effectively with a diluted chlorine bleach solution. Although the current trivalent influenza vaccine is unlikely to provide protection against the new 2009 H1N1 strain, vaccines against the new strain are being developed and could be ready as early as June 2009.
Experts agree that hand-washing can help prevent viral infections, including ordinary influenza and the swine flu virus. Influenza can spread in coughs or sneezes, but an increasing body of evidence shows small droplets containing the virus can linger on tabletops, telephones and other surfaces and be transferred via the fingers to the mouth, nose or eyes. Alcohol-based gel or foam hand sanitizers work well to destroy viruses and bacteria. Anyone with flu-like symptoms such as a sudden fever, cough or muscle aches should stay away from work or public transportation and should contact a doctor for advice.
Social distancing is another tactic. It means staying away from other people who might be infected and can include avoiding large gatherings, spreading out a little at work, or perhaps staying home and lying low if an infection is spreading in a community. Public health and other responsible authorities have action plans which may request or require social distancing actions depending on the severity of the outbreak.

If a person becomes sick with swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms). Beside antivirals, supportive care at home or in hospital, focuses on controlling fevers, relieving pain and maintaining fluid balance, as well as identifying and treating any secondary infections or other medical problems. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (zanamivir) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses; however, the majority of people infected with the virus make a full recovery without requiring medical attention or antiviral drugs. The virus isolates in the 2009 outbreak have been found resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.

For more information click here :

Friday, May 22, 2009

Homeopathic Pharma

Leading Homeopathic Pharmaceuticals Company In India:
There are Lots of Homeopathic Medicine Manufacturing Companies In India. Below The List of Leading Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Who can Made good Qualities Of Homeopathic Medicines.

Monday, May 11, 2009



Microdermabrasion is one of the more recent skin-care techniques to have crossed over from Hollywood to the mainstream. It's an effective alternative to costlier and more invasive procedures like plastic surgery, chemical peels and Botox injections. Recently, more and more men are trying it, instead of pursuing cosmetic surgery.

Abrading the skin for cosmetic purposes has been an age old practice. Chemical peels in the form of wrapping cloth soaked in naturally occurring ingredients were used to produce wounding to the skin so as to induce new skin growth.

Dermabrasion as a skin resurfacing procedure requires significant operator experience and expertise to precisely reach the blood vessels of the skin papillary dermis but at the same time to avoid excessive skin damage. The procedure also has the risk of significant aerosolization of blood into the procedure room which can be dangerous both to the client and the operator.

Microdermabrasion-- a non-ablative skin procedure which offers a high degree of satisfaction for people searching for effective skin rejuvenation treatments.

The procedure is not very painful and requires no anaesthetic. Microdermabrasion can be used medically for scar removal when the scar is raised above the surrounding skin, but is less effective with sunken scars. There is very little, if any, evidence that microdermabrasion stimulates collagen formation. Microdermabrasion can also be used for treatment of acne, but must be repeated periodically to be effective.


Procedures of microdermabrasion are also commonly referred to as "sand blasting", a process that uses a high-pressure stream of aluminum oxide crystals to superficially peel the upper layer of the skin.

The growth of the microdermabrasion treatment industry has led to innovations and there are currently a few different microdermabrasion methods available.

Multiple professional microdermabrasion methods exist:

Crystal microdermabrasion

Crystal microdermabrasion systems are the traditional treatment of choice and rely on tiny crystals that are blasted onto the skin to perform the exfoliating process. Although the crystal microdermabrasion system is still widely used, the introduction of alternatives has led to a trend away from this treatment system.

Diamond microdermabrasion

Diamond microdermabrasion systems operate without the need for crystals. The exfoliation process occurs when a diamond tipped head makes contact with the skin and abrades against it. In both crystals and diamond microdermabrasion systems the dead skin cells are sucked away from the face.

Home Microdermabrasion

Home microdermabrasion systems are an increasingly popular alternative to professional treatments. These are cheap and very easy to perform, and although not as powerful as professional systems, can produce good results over time. There is a great deal of competition in the home microdermabrasion systems market with most of the big cosmetics and skin care brands launching their own home systems.

Most procedures of microdermabrasion use units which are closed-loop negative pressure systems that pass aluminum oxide crystals into the skin using negative vacuum pressure. But there are also present certain variations in the procedures. Some procedures use magnesium oxide and sodium bicarbonate crystals while others use sodium chloride crystals and positive pressure for microdermabrasion.

Benefits of microdermabrasion

  • Microdermabrasion as a anti-aging procedure can be offered as a treatment for acne, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, texturally rough skin, striae, and photodamaged skin.
  • It is a simple exfoliation procedure which offers benefits without scraping or scratching the skin, so as to work within the patient's comfort level and remove the risk of traumatizing the epidermis.
  • Microdermabrasion does not have any side-effects that are associated with chemical treatments.
  • The procedure being quick, each session lasts typically around half an hour, plus no anesthesia is required.
  • Microdermabrasion is also a beneficial procedure to improve the dermal layers prior to laser resurfacing and other facial cosmetic surgeries .
  • It probably helps by increasing collagen and elastin in the dermis and speeds up the recovery rate and reduces down time.
  • The procedure is also beneficial for ingrown hairs and for razor rash caused by waxing or shaving, both for men and women.
  • Microdermabrasion are within the reach of most women and men.

Portapeel 1050 Microdermabrasion System

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Homeopathic Treatment For Insomnia

A homeopath’s approach is different from those who practice conventional medicine. Homeopathy perceives all symptoms as a manifestation of the body’s struggle to self-heal. Homeopaths normally do not prescribe medication for individual symptoms. For a successful homeopathic treatment, the professional must examine the patient and get answers to a lot of questions regarding lifestyle, eating and sleeping habits, family history and much more.

The basic principle of homeopathy is that a remedy in its diluted state will cure a condition that is caused by the same remedy in its undiluted state. Coffee is a classic example of this principle.

Coffee, as is widely accepted, stimulates and keeps people awake for long periods. One of the primary homeopathic remedies for treating insomnia is coffea that is prepared after coffee beans have been subjected to a vigorous dilution process. The homeopathic Materia Medica contains a comprehensive list of symptoms produced by natural substances and a homeopath matches them with all that is disclosed by the patient.

Insomnia, by itself is not a disease but a symptom of a disease. Consequently, homeopathic treatment of insomnia will depend upon the underlying condition. There are many conditions that cause insomnia and the homeopath prescribes remedies based on the underlying cause. If insomnia is caused by depression, homeopathic remedies focus on treating depression.

Homeopathic remedies are a useful tool for treating depression Naturally and other conditions that cause insomnia. The homeopathic Materia Medica contains minute details of symptoms that relate to each remedy. It is common for a homeopath to ask details of sleeping patterns, the type of sleep one gets on going back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night, or even the posture in which the patient sleeps.

The sleepless conditions calling for Belladonna are due to congestion; sleep is extremely restless, as a rule it is interrupted by talking, startings, muscular jerkings and spasmodic motions; frightful images appear on closing the eyes and the patient therefore dreads sleep. Children awake from sleep frightened. Oftentimes there is a violent throbbing in the brain which prevents sleep. The dreams found under Belladonna are frightful ones, and they constantly awaken the patient. It is probably our best remedy for insomnia due to cerebral hyperaemia; that is, it will be most often indicated, also after morphine which produces cerebral hyperaemia of a passive variety. Aconite comes in here, too, but with Aconite there is intense anxiety and restlessness, fear of disaster or death. Cuprum, Stramonium and Zincum have the symptom that the patient is aroused from sleep frightened. Lycopodium. Here the child awakens very cross; very sleepy during the daytime. Belladonna is most useful in restless sleep during dentition; sleeps with eyes partially open; sudden starting, twitching, hot head and dilated pupils will indicate it.

Nux vomica.
The great characteristic of this remedy is that the patient is very sleepy in the evening, cannot keep awake ; moreover the sleep is not sound or restful and the patient is awakened at night by anxiety and frightful dreams. He awakens at about four or five O'clock in the morning feeling somewhat refreshed, but soon resleeps and awakens at the usual time feeling worse than ever. It is especially the remedy for those who drink too much, those who abuse coffee and tea, those who are subject to abdominal disorders and a slugish portal circulation. Sleeplessness from mental overwork, from too close study, especially at night. The morning sleep aggravates all the affections. Pulsatilla is sleepless in the evening, falling asleep very late; the sleep is restless, with frequent awakenings and troubled dreams. Sleeplessness after quinine, iron, strychnine, tea, or chloral. Calcarea carbonica has long hours of wakefulness. Cocculus has sleeplessness from mental activity. Sulphur. Cat naps; the slightest noise awakens and it is difficult to get to sleep again; sleepy in daytime. Calcarea bromata. Dr. Deschere, of New York, relies on this remedy in typical Calcarea children, with predominance of nervous irritability, sleeplessness and hyperaesthesia at night.

Sleeplessness from nervous excitement; the brain is full of bewildering ideas and images. After long illnesses and the brain cells are illy nourished this remedy is very useful. It is especially indicated in sleeplessness in children, who twitch, cry out frightened and tremble. Sleeplessness from overworked minds and without apparent cause may be benefited by Hyoscyamus. Talcott says: "Hyoscyamus paints the mental town of its victim a brilliant and luminous red." The patient is jolly and wakeful. Hyoscyamus lacks the anxiety of Aconite, the violence of Belladonna, the pessimism of Nux vomica, and the stupidity of Gelsemium.

In cases where there is excessive agitation of body and mind, and where ideas force themselves on the mind, Coffea is the remedy, and its use as a beverage withheld. It will be found that this acts better in the higher potencies. Hale says: "If there is any place for high dilutions, it is in insomnia." The patient is wide awake, without the slightest inclination to sleep, and all the senses are extremely acute. It is the remedy when excitement or good news, joys or night watching causes the insomnia. It is well suited to sleeplessness in teething children, while Opium is better suited to adults. Sleeplessness from the bad effects of too good news. Platina has sleeplessness from extreme nervous irritability.

For sleeplessness in children due to severe pain, Chamomilla is a sovereign remedy. It quiets the irritability and the emotional excitement and the patient sleeps. It is also adapted to weak, nervous women. The sleep is tormented by dreams which are fanciful, vivid and anxious; the patient is hot and thirsty. Moaning in sleep. This is also a remedy acting better in the higher potencies. Ignatia has sleeplessness from depressing news, recent grief, causing a hyperaemia. Coffea, sleeplessness from good news. Opium suits sleeplessness when the patient is sleepy but cannot get to sleep, is kept awake by hearing distinctly ordinary noises, such as the ticking of clocks and the crowing of cocks. Great drowsiness is characteristic of the remedy.

For the insomnia of brain workers, Gelsemium is a remedy. It is indicated in business men who pass restless nights, awaken early in the morning and worry over their business affairs. It also is most useful in a state of alternate excitement and depression. Bryonia is useful where the business cares of the day keep him awake. Gelsemium has also sleeplessness from emotional disturbances, and after evening company. Ambra grisea is another remedy for sleeplessness from worry and business troubles. The patient goes to bed tired, but immediately becomes wakeful. It is especially suited to thin, spare men who are nervous and subject to nervous chills.

Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, cutaneous irritations and external heat. The patient is drowsy all day and sleepless at night. Sleeps in "cat naps", wakes frequently. Arsenicum is a useful remedy for the sleeplessness of malnutrition, where there is general degeneration of the blood and exhaustion of the nervous system. Restlessness of anaemic irritability. Cinchona has sleeplessness from exhausting diseases. The mind is active and the patient indulges in castle building. Phosphorus. Sleeplessness following intense mental overwork and anxiety coupled with confusion, vertigo and pain in the head.

Cannabis Indica.
In obstinate and intractable forms of insomnia, Cannabis is one of the best remedies we have to induce sleep. An irregular sleep is more of an indication than absolute insomnia. It produces a tranquil slumber, relieves the nervousness and neuralgic pains , and even if given in doses of from 5 to 15 drops of the tincture in water it leaves no bad effects behind. Halbert says do not use it lower than the third potency which is a commendable suggestion. Other remedies for the want of sleep are the following, which have been used empirically, but which are far superior to the hypnotics of the allopathic school: Passiflora incarnata in doses of from 30 to 60 drops, and repeated if necessary, will induce sleep when mental irritation or pain is the cause of the wakefulness. Camphora mono-bromata is useful for sleeplessness due to the continued use of tea. In insomnia of locomotor ataxia or epilepsy give 3X potency. Coca. Sleeplessness from mental exhaustion or anaemia; a useful remedy in worn-out brain workers, night watchers and those who have lost much sleep. Avena sativa in doses of from 10 to15 drops of the tincture will oftentimes induce a peaceful dreamless sleep in those who are nervous and exhausted. It is not impossible that a complete proving of these latter remedies will show further their value in sleeplessness. Arnica and Gelsemium should not be overlooked in sleeplessness from overexertion. Of prime importance are the casual indications of sleeplessness, and these are legion.

Passiflora is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by insomnia that arises due to excessive physical exhaustion, caused by overworking; it can also be used in the treatment of insomnia that affects infants or the insomnia that affects elder people. It can also be used to treat insomnia caused by factors such as excessive anxiety, the insomnia caused by stress, due to drug use, or because of alcohol abuse. Insomnia caused by conditions such as asthma, teething problems and epilepsy, and those caused by a night cough can also be effectively treated with this remedy. Symptoms in the person include heaviness in the stomach and the presence of worms. This remedy cannot treat sleep disorders effectively if the tongue is coated up or if symptoms such as a flushed face is present. The presence of one or more of these symptoms requires the immediate use of Passiflora as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of insomnia.

Other Measures:
Make sure that you follow a regular and even sleep schedule, even on the weekends when there is a chance of staying up. Do not watch television or read on the bed, use it only for sleeping. Make sure that you exercise regularly to beat back stress-though you should avoid exercising in the evenings as it may overexcite you at night. Stimulants should be avoided and must not be taken before sleeping-these include drinks that contain alcohol, all kinds of tobacco products, and caffeine.

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